Ensuring The Ultimate Visitor Experience

Optimize Your Venue

Improve visitor satisfaction and profitability by optimizing capacity, circulation flow, operating efficiency and visitor service delivery. Create a more successful venue with ORCA Consulting LLC.

Impressive History of Success

Since 1993, ORCA has provided quantitative and qualitative services to a variety of leisure, recreation and entertainment clients - including owners, operators, architects, and designers - to enhance facility performance, improve visitor satisfaction, and achieve their financial goals.

Applied "Guestology"

ORCA applies the concept of "Guestology" - a science combining quantitative analytical techniques with qualitative operational assessments - to help clients strategically analyze each aspect of their venue's capacity, layout, and visitor experience.

ORCA Consulting enhances the design development process by identifying opportunities to improve visitor flow, capacity, wayfinding, and placement of service components.  We analyze sizing of public spaces and planned programming content to estimate stay times and ensure spaces can comfortably accommodate projected attendance volumes.

How do you ensure the ultimate visitor experience?

How do you ensure the ultimate visitor experience?

ORCA focuses over 100 combined years of Disney experience – and at high-attendance cultural attractions – to identify and define issues and develop cost-effective solutions to ensure a comfortable and positive experience for visitors. Our capacity analysis services balance maximum visitor capacity with infrastructure, finding areas of opportunity to reduce congestion, improve visitor convenience, and increase penetration and conversion rates. Operational strategies help venues create efficiencies and reduce operating costs while promoting techniques that build an environment of improved employee performance and service delivery.

Our expertise is in…

Capacity and Circulation Analysis, Operations and Programming Assessment, Planning and Design Support, Admissions Strategies and Visitation Management, Organizational Development and Human Resources, Visitor Use Planning and Visitation Research,
Implementation Support, Visitor Services, Amenities and Wayfinding, and Business Strategies.

Learn more about our services…


State of the Art
Simulations and Analysis

At ORCA we strive to be ahead of the curve while also utilizing our past knowledge and experience. That’s why we accompany modern simulations with our tried and true spread sheet analysis to give our clients every viewpoint of their venue to help them improve their visitor experience.  For planning of public attractions, simulation models, such as the example shown here, allow initial concepts for component placement and capacity assumptions to be tested against forecasted attendance volumes, to ensure any areas of congestion or extended wait lines at service points are intercepted early in design development.  These models can be developed and tested for multi-level settings as well, such as the examples below.

A Few of Our Projects

Presidio Tunnel Tops


Since 2014, ORCA has been supporting the Presidio Trust in San Francisco in planning this recently-completed venue, located between the Presidio Main Post and Crissy Field for leisure activities and special events and programs.  ORCA established visitor demand and capacity figures for the project to determine the ability of the site to support the programming alternatives that are being considered and developed specific configuration recommendations to ensure that the project is designed effectively to accommodate the expected visitation volumes on peak days.  Prior to the opening of Tunnel Tops, ORCA partnered with the park’s leadership team to establish visitor service standards, due to their desire to bring visitor engagement by staff and volunteers “front and center” to their operation.  ORCA continues to support Tunnel Tops since its initial opening in 2022, providing annual visitor service training to each summer season’s seasonal hires, and ongoing design and business planning support as additional phases to its overall master plan are implemented.


ORCA Consulting provided visitor circulation, attendance capacity, and operations planning support throughout the development and construction phases for the U.S. Capitol Visitor Center, ensuring that the planned areas and facilities within the CVC could support the anticipated peak attendance volumes.  ORCA’s scope included assessments of security screening, reservations-ticketing-admissions, two introductory theaters, one events theater, museum spaces, theater queueing, retail, dining, restrooms, baggage check, museum gallery, wayfinding signage (exterior and interior), circulation spaces (including tunnel connection to Library of Congress), Capitol building tour organization and dispatch, tour routing options within the Capitol building, development of operating hours and staff schedules, development of operating procedures, and animated simulation modeling (for Congressional hearing).

U.S. Capitol Visitor Center

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